Below Is A List of Common Asked Questions Regarding O.R. Standards and Services, and General Information
Why does it seem that we do not have enough empty carts for the return of our soiled linen to COMTEX. Why is this happening? What can we do about it?
From time to time a few extra empty carts may be needed at the facility, however, the same number of soiled carts should be returned as carts of clean linen received.
The shortage is most likely happening because of the following:
- The drop shelf carts are not being used correctly.
- The shelves must be dropped to receive sufficient soiled linen.
- The drop shelf carts are not being fully filled with soiled linen.
- The carts must be completely filled with the soiled linen upon return to the laundry.
Partially filled carts should be consolidated to create only full carts of linen.
- Daily orders of linen must approximate what is required in order to be freed up to be used for the soiled linen.
- The staff ordering the clean linen needs to be checking the amount on hand to ensure that linen and carts are circulating, otherwise linen will sit on carts and be unavailable for the sending back of soiled linen.
- There are sufficient carts at the facility to accommodate your volume.
- Each facility may need a few extra carts to assist in the pulling of soiled linen from the floors and to help in the consolidation and filling of soiled carts.
I have lost several pocket telemetry monitors in the soiled linen since COMTEX took over our laundry services. What process should we use for notifying COMTEX of the telemetry monitors being lost?
COMTEX receives several lost items daily, including several pocket telemetry monitors.
When a lost item is received it is noted in the attached spreadsheet by our Customer Service. He/she then sends a monthly update including the spreadsheet to all Customer Committee Members and nurses for their review.
- If a telemetry monitor is marked by facility it assists in getting the monitor back to the hospital.
- If a Customer realizes an item has been lost and believes it was sent to COMTEX they should call COMTEX facility in a timely manner at (614) 453-9273.
The COMTEX employee taking the call will record the information given and communicate that information to our soiled department, who will note that the item has been misplaced. If it is found, COMTEX will contact the individual who notified us of the lost item and return it to that facility.
How can we help combat the problems concerning the receipt of linens with tape or telemetry patches stuck to them?
As you know, COMTEX is a common pool laundry set up to process thousands of pounds of soiled each day. Although we do take measures to decrease the amount of linen that goes out with tape or similar adhesive products, we need help from facilities as well. This matter will also be discussed at the next COMTEX Board Meeting so that the board members are equally aware of our challenge.
- Please speak to nursing personnel regarding the removal of tape prior to returning linens to COMTEX.
- Remind nursing personnel that this adds to overall processing and replacement costs which can be passed on to the facilities if not corrected.
- Any additional help in dealing with this issue would be greatly appreciated.
How is COMTEX currently handling the return of Lost & Found items?
As you know, COMTEX has method to track Lost & Found, sharps, and surgical instruments by facility. Sharps are tracked, and surgical instruments are set aside for return to representatives for each health care system. Lost & Found items are collected and bagged in a clean bag for return to the respective facilities along with the clean linen. Each item returned is marked on a log sheet that is sent out at least weekly to the Customer Committee. Each facility Representative is e-mailed as to which day and run number the items are to be returned on.
If there are any questions, you can contact our Customer Relations Specialist at: (614) 453-9282.
What do I do if changes need to be made to my order after the 7am cutoff the day prior to the expected change?
Additions to orders are typically not an issue, however it is much more difficult to make cuts. We recommend making cuts on the next day’s order if this is the problem. For the benefit of all, COMTEX is asking that an effort be made to decrease the number of “last minute” changes/additions that are being called in to the Shipping Department. This slows down production and adds to the confusion in an already busy environment. Your help in this matter would be appreciated.
Why do we receive stained or torn linen and what should we do with it at our facility?
COMTEX uses high production feeders, folders and stackers to process clean linen. Each employee has a standard level to meet and product must move very quickly through the system. It is impossible to catch every stain or tear in the linen and it is not cost effective to slow the production line. (COMTEX processes textiles at over 130 pounds per operator hour. Set out below are some sample processing rates. Sheets are processed at 1,000 per hour, Towels at 900 per hour and Gowns at 450 per hour).
In order to accommodate this COMTEX has the following in place:
- COMTEX has a procedure in place to credit any linen that does not meet our Customer Quality Control standards.
- Any concerns about ward cart presentation or stacking should be immediately directed to your on-site facility distribution staff.
- A tour can be coordinated through Customer Services to view the plant in operation for any interested staff.
- Finally, any quality concerns can be directed to COMTEX Customer Service at (614) 453-9278.